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Yoga Sutras 2 - Cetin Cetintas
485.00 TL
The second and last book of the series in which Çetin Çetintaş translates the Yoga Sutras into Turkish and explains them one by one is on sale! This book also explains the advanced concepts you need to know about the science of yoga; Chakras, Vayus, Koshas… This valuable work is...
The second and last book of the series in which Çetin Çetintaş translates the Yoga Sutras into Turkish and explains them one by one is on sale!
This book also explains the advanced concepts you need to know about the science of yoga; Chakras, Vayus, Koshas… This valuable work is a complete reference book for anyone who does yoga.
It is a hard cover with gold leaf. The size of the book is 16×21. The book consists of 235 pages.